Vatican City, Jun 4, 2006 / 22:00 pm
Making remarks during a prayer service in St. Peter’s Square on Satuday evening Luis Fernando Figari, founder of the Christian Life Movement, spoke to Pope Benedict XVI and thousands of members of new movements and ecclesial communities. Speaking during a vigil celebration of the Solemn Feast of Pentecost, Figari’s comments centered on the essential nature of unity, diversity, and fidelity to the Pope in proclaiming Christ to the world.
Addressing Pope Benedict XVI, Figari said, “Those who respond as indicated by the Virgin Mary in Cana: "Do whatever he tells you" (John 2:5), listen to Christ and obey him, and they open up to the Father who will reside in them.”
The Peruvian founder told the hundreds of thousands gathered in St. Peter’s Square, “The Eternal Word, made flesh in the Immaculate Virgin Mary in order to redeem all human beings, comes to meet each of us in order to bring us to the wonderful gift of reconciliation, with God, with oneself, with others, with all of creation.”
Referring to the birth of the different ecclesial movements, Figari noted that the same, “Spirit who descended on Our Lady at the time of the Annunciation and Incarnation, the Spirit who was made manifest in tongues of burning fire and touched minds and hearts at Pentecost, is the same Spirit who in our times has given rise to a wave of ecclesial movements and other communities of the faithful to live the Christian life, to proclaim to the world that Christ is real and that he reconciles people, to show them who Christ is, and to invite them to love and communion and participation in the divine nature.”
Figari was invited by the Pontifical Council for the Laity to make his comments in response to the papal homily.
The founder of the Christian Life Movement underscored that the pluralism of charisms in the Church are a blessing “that demonstrate rich ecclesial plurality and contribute in communion with Peter and under Peter.”
“Most Holy Father, your most appreciated teachings and encouragement lead us, members of ecclesial movements and new communities, in spite of our littleness, to feel urged on to greater commitment to the New Evangelization, to stimulate the drive toward coherence in the Church and eagerness to give witness, to search out new courageous methods and expressions to proclaim Christ and his teachings that are based on the experience of those who have listened to his call, have heard his voice, and have met him in a life-giving encounter, and to give witness, according to the gifts granted by the Spirit of faith, hope and charity, to the ends of the earth in all the undertakings of humanity,” Figari said in conclusion.