Mexico City, Mexico, May 4, 2006 / 22:00 pm
In a statement released at the conclusion of their recent 81st Plenary Assembly, the Bishops’ Conference of Mexico has exhorted the country’s presidential candidates to “strengthen our democratic life” and to introduce “urgent social changes” that will reduce its own citizen’s need to emigrate to other countries.
In an historic first during the gathering, the bishops met with several government officials and with presidential candidates Roberto Madrazo, Andres Lopez Obrador and Felipe Calderon.
“This allowed us to learn about their proposals and present them the concerns which we as citizens and pastors have regarding the future of our country,” the statement indicated. Among the concerns mentioned by the bishops were “the defense of life and of human rights, the family, education, religious freedom, increased employment, the fight against poverty and corruption.”
Regarding immigration laws that are currently being debated in the U.S. Congress, the bishops said the measures have “awakened consciences” and led to “solidarity” with immigrants. “We exhort all to join in this spirit of solidarity and to come up with initiatives that appropriately reconcile the sovereignty of states with the respect for the dignity of the person,” the bishops stated.
Lastly, the bishops pointed out that Mexico’s next president would have to meet the challenge of “carrying out urgent social changes” so that “Mexicans do not feel they have to abandon the country.”