Apr 20, 2006 / 22:00 pm
Kiev has been chosen to host the 22nd International Congress for the Family, from May 9th to 11th, under the theme “The Family, a Community of Love.”
According to the group, Aid to the Church in Need, family life in Ukraine still bears the consequences of an atheist regime, which, rooted the Christian values out of the family and endangers their existence. As a result, the country proclaimed 2006 as a year of Right Protection of the Child and the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, in cooperation with the Christian Churches, declared 2006 the Year of Spiritual Protection of the Child.
The historic congress will include workshops on the following themes: The family, the cornerstone of a civilized society; natural family planning; the dignity of human life; children, the wealth of nations; parents, first teachers of love.
Representatives of the Moscow Patriarchate, the Kyivan Patriarchate, the Evangelical Church and the Muslim and Jewish communities are expected to attend.
The congress is currently under the responsibility of Patriarch Lubomyr Husar.