Mothers who belong to the Schoenstatt Movement in Germany are supporting a request of the German Bishops that the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Council reject all forms of euthanasia.

The mothers were responding to a proposal by Swiss Representative Dick Marty to legalize euthanasia in the European Union.  The proposal has been tabled until spring.

According to the Schoenstatt mothers, “what is important now is that we act in favor of human dignity in all of its stages in life.”

The Schoenstatt mothers explained that many women “experience daily the reality that life is worthy of protection in all its stages.  They are committed professionally and ad honorem to the care of the elderly, the infirm, to health assistance for families, and to the hospice movement.”

“Through their work they prove that the desire to die comes from depression and loneliness.  They help the dying and gravely ill to endure this stage in life through affectionate companionship and care, and improvement in palliative medical assistance,” they said.

The mothers expressed their solidarity with the German Bishops Conference, which has rejected all forms of euthanasia, and they call on the countries of the EU “to care for and protect the dignity of the infirm and the dying.”
