The Archdiocese of Quebec, which will host the 49th International Eucharistic Congress, has launched an official website in five languages as part of its preparations for the event.  According to the Fides news agency, the website ( will provide all of the information about the Congress.

In a letter about the event Cardinal Marc Ouellet, Archbishop of Quebec who is president of the organizing committee, said, “The Eucharistic Congress in 2008, entrusted to us by beloved Pope John Paul II on 17 October 2004, will be an opportunity for the Catholics of the world to celebrate their faith in the Eucharist and bear witness to the Gospel living moments of prayer, reflection and brotherhood.”

The Congress will coincide with the 400th anniversary of the founding of the city of Quebec, which was also the first Catholic diocese north of Mexico. The theme of the congress is: “Eucharist, God’s Gift for the Life of the World.” The Logo is a cross set over the Host separating it in four parts to underline that the Eucharist is something to be shared and also to refer to the four cardinal points of the world--North, South, East and West. “The logo background has traces of a boat, symbolizing the universal Church and also Quebec, because the faith reached the city via St Lawrence River. The colors used are yellow for the bread and red for the wine. In the design the chalice and paten become one to signify God’s great gift of communion, the Eucharist,” Fides reported.

The website offers users the chance to participate in the “1000 Days of Prayer” leading up to the celebration of the Congress.  The prayer campaign consists of reciting a short prayer at least once a day on the dates one selects.