Today around noon, U.S president George W. Bush addressed over the phone the crowd gathered in front of Capitol Hill for the annual March for Life, giving them his support and emphasizing the work done under his presidency to favor a culture of life.
Calling from Manhattan, Kansas. He thanked the participants for their “devotion to such a noble cause.”

He reminded them of his commitment to the value of human  “the self-evident truths of the Declaration of Independence apply to everyone, not just to those considered healthy or wanted or convenient. These principles call us to defend the sick and the dying, persons with disabilities and birth defects, all who are weak and vulnerable, especially unborn children. (Applause.)

President Bush also underlined the progress made under his presidency to restrict the practice of abortion, among which to ban the use of taxpayer money on programs that promote abortion overseas, the ban on partial-birth abortion.

“We're vigorously promoting parental notification laws, adoption, teen abstinence, crisis pregnancy programs, and the vital work of our faith-based groups. We're sending a clear message to any woman facing a crisis pregnancy: We love you, we love your child, and we're here to help you.”

“We also must respect human life and dignity when advancing medical science, and we're making progress here, as well,” referring to the bill supporting ethical treatment and research using stem cells from umbilical cord blood.

“By changing laws we can change our culture.”