Jan 22, 2006 / 22:00 pm
Opus Dei is urging film ratings boards to give the film The Da Vinci Code an adult rating because it says children should not be exposed to the lies it promotes about Catholicism and Jesus fathering a child.
The film, which has a May 19 release date, is based on Dan Brown’s bestselling novel about an alternative theory behind the Holy Grail. The book also wrongly presents Opus Dei as an evil sect within the Catholic Church.
Opus Dei spokesperson Marc Carroggio said adults are able to distinguish between fact and fiction but children are unable to make such proper judgments.
Carroggio said Opus Dei is not planning to organize any boycotts of the film. He told Zenit in a recent interview that he believes the film will result in “indirect publicity” for Opus Dei and an opportunity to speak about Jesus with the masses.
The film is directed by Ron Howard and stars Tom Hanks and Audrey Tautou.