Brussels, Belgium, Jan 18, 2006 / 22:00 pm
A resolution adopted by the European Parliament on Wednesday about homophobia in Europe, is taking new steps in the legalization of homosexual unions throughout Europe.
First, it strongly encourages member states to change their legislation to be friendlier to gay rights. Basing itself upon Human rights conventions, the charter of fundamental rights, as well as previous resolutions, the resolution states facts about homophobia, but it goes further, going against any form of discrimination.
The European Parliament goes as far as asserting that “ same-sex partners in some Member States do not enjoy all of the rights and protections enjoyed by married opposite sex partners and consequently suffer discrimination and disadvantage.”
There is therefore discrimination, according to the European Parliament in not having equal rights as married heterosexuals, meaning member states should legalize some sort of union, or that homosexuals partners should enjoy the exact same rights as married couples, such as adoption of children.
It also strongly recommends state governments to publicize homosexuality, by leading campaigns against homophobia, in schools, universities, public administration, media, etc…
The Parliament is setting an evaluation of countries regarding their legislation and actions toward homosexuals by saying that “not all Member States are fighting discrimination based on sexual orientation nor promoting equality,”
The Parliament finally “Urges Member States to enact legislation to end discrimination faced by same-sex partners in the areas of inheritance, property arrangements, tenancies, pensions, tax, social security etc, “ making therefore clear that homosexual are entitled to the same rights as married heterosexual couples.
It also threatens to sanction countries that purposely alter their legislation to ban same-sex unions and wish to stress that marriage is between a man and a women. The three Baltic countries and Poland have done so.