Dec 5, 2005 / 22:00 pm
"The Church recognizes that people with 'homosexual tendencies' can be good Christians, social workers, and administrators, but being a priest is all of these things and much more,” stated Rev. Thomas J. Euteneuer, president of Human Life International.
His comment came following the release of Concerning the Criteria of Vocational Discernment Regarding Persons with Homosexual Tendencies in View of their Admission to Seminaries and Holy Orders by the Congregation for Catholic Education.
"Engaging in homosexual acts is a grave, mortal sin that endangers the immortal soul of the practitioner and such a lifestyle compromises a man's ability to competently serve as a priest," stated Fr. Euteneuer.
"The statement released last week with the approval of Pope Benedict XVI clearly restates the Church's longstanding teaching that men who struggle with disordered passions or suffer from the burden of homosexual sin cannot be admitted to the priesthood, and we are grateful to the Vatican for this document .. . ."
"The Church does not deny that those with homosexual tendencies cannot be chaste. It just makes a clear distinction between chastity and celibacy. Christians are called to live sexually chaste lives regardless of any personal tendency or disorder. Celibacy however requires that men renounce marriage for the sake of the kingdom of God-- something homosexuals cannot do. The Church is within her rights to ask that her priests make this sacrifice in imitation of Christ" concluded Fr. Euteneuer.
Founded in 1981, Human Life International is the world's largest pro-life, pro-family organization that is dedicated to defending life, faith and the family, with branches and affiliates around the world.