The Office of Social Ministries of the Diocese of Mar del Plata is calling on the heads of state that will be gathering for the Summit of the Americas to achieve “concrete and palpable results” that will help alleviate the poverty suffered by millions in Latin America.

“It’s our hope that in these days the desires of those who visit us will be directed at obtaining concrete and palpable results in the improvement of the lives of millions of our brothers and sisters who can’t wait any longer,” the diocese indicated in a letter sent to each one of the participants.

The letter emphasized that “work is a fundamental right and a good of man” that “should be available to all who are capable.”  Thus, “full-time employment is a required objective for any economic order that is oriented towards justice and the common good.”

The letter, while pointing out that “providing dignified work is an essential task of businesses and governments,” at the same time emphasized that “work has been made for man and not man for work” and that what is most important is “the salvation of souls.”

The diocesan letter also called for respect for the sovereignty of the nations participating in the meeting as well as the protection of human rights, “especially the right to life from the moment of conception to natural death.”

Lastly, quoting John Paul II, the letter reiterated that “the quality of life in a society is measured by the way in which it treats the unborn, children, the handicapped, the poor and the elderly.”