The Catholics of the archdiocese of Cincinnati will be well represented at the national March for Life Jan. 22 in Washington, D.C.

The Right to Life of Greater Cincinnati has organized six buses to head down for the 31st annual event, which commemorates the anniversary of the 1973 Supreme Court decision, Roe vs. Wade, which legalized abortion on demand in the United States.

Before the march, some participants will attend a youth rally and mass, sponsored by the Washington archdiocese, while others will attend a congressional breakfast, sponsored by Ohio Right to Life.

For those who cannot attend the march, other tributes are scheduled to take place, such as candlelight vigils and prayer services. 

Dayton Right to Life will sponsor a talk by Jill Stanek Jan. 27 at Parkview Church of the Nazarene in Kettering. Stanek was a labor and delivery nurse at Christ Hospital and Medical Center in suburban Chicago, who asked medical officials to stop an induced-labor abortion method that deprives delivered babies of medical care. In August 2002, she was on hand for the signing of the Born Alive Infants Protection Act by President George W. Bush, protecting live aborted children from infanticide.