Mexico City, Mexico, Sep 13, 2005 / 22:00 pm
Bishop Jose Guadalupe Martin Rabago of Leon, President of the Mexican Bishops’ Conference, said this week Mexico needs leaders that will reach out to the poor and not allow the country’s resources to be swallowed up by the rich while so many are living in destitution.
He said Mexico needs people "honestly committed to helping to create an environment that will allow economic conditions to be improved. In this sense, we need people who will favor economic growth so that more and better paying jobs will be created."
"The word service means understanding politics as a way of putting the common good above the good of an individual or small group. And in the history of politics in this country this is something we have not totally achieved," Bishop Rabago noted.
In Mexico City, Cardinal Norberto Rivera said during Mass last Sunday that the Church is prohibited by Canon Law from supporting candidates or political parties but not from expressing their opinions on the issues.
After Mass, the cardinal stated that the Catholic bishops "will never get involved in partisan politics, but we will help to form consciences, to help Mexico progress forward."