The newspaper of the Archdiocese of Guadalajara is reporting this week that fifteen Mexican bishops have filed a legal appeal to the country’s Supreme Court to stop the decision by the Mexican government to include the morning after pill in the official catalogue of medicines.

Led by Cardinal Juan Sandoval Iñiguez of Guadalajara, the bishops presented their filing with the support of five legislators of the ruling National Action Party (PAN).

According to the newspaper, the bishops maintain that the government’s Department of Health “committed an act against the law” by including the pill in the official catalogue of medicines, based on a definition of abortion that “contradicts the Federal Penal Code.”

The government “has not demonstrated that the morning after pill is not abortifacient,” the bishops said, and “it has placed a weapon in peoples’ hands for the killing of the innocent.”

The Bishops’ Conference of Mexico announced that all the bishops of the country would join in the legal appeal.