Asunción, Paraguay, Jul 11, 2005 / 22:00 pm
Bishop Claudio Gimenez Medina of Caacupe and President of the Paraguayan Bishops’ Conference told the Fides news agency this week that the recent approval of gay “marriage” in Spain is the “fruit of an age that shows itself increasingly more decadent.”
Bishop Gimenez stated that by approving the law, the Spanish government has trampled upon “the fundamental principles” solely “out of a mania for appearing to be a progressive nation.”
“This is nothing more than the aberration of a society without purpose or vision and which is provoking great confusion,” he warned, adding that this “attack on the family and on life is a world-wide orchestrated hoax” that requires a global and unified response, so that actions such as those have taken place in Spain will not be repeated in other countries.
Bishop Gimenez noted that after listening to the reports presented at the recent Plenary Assembly of the Latin American Bishops’ Council (CELAM) in Lima, one could conclude that “the attacks on the family and life are the same,” although with different characteristics in each country.
He explained that in some countries there are attempts to make homosexual unions equal to marriage through ambiguous legislation, in order to hide the bill’s “true intentions.”
Regarding abortion, he said a vast array of reasons are put forth to justify it. The same occurs with the morning-after pill, which some want to make available despite its “clearly abortifacient” nature.