Mexico City, Mexico, Jul 11, 2005 / 22:00 pm
The Archbishop of Mexico City, Cardinal Norberto Rivera Carrera, said this week the country is still in need of true religious freedom, but he explained that this would depend on a constitutional reform, which should be initiated by Parliament.
At the conclusion of Sunday Mass, the cardinal said it is the desire of the Catholic people to see progress in this area, because this right goes beyond freedom of religion and worship.
Likewise he indicated that the fact that some members of the Fox administration are Catholic does not imply that progress in religious freedom would take place, because “this decision falls to the Legislative branch.”
The cardinal noted that only Parliament could bring about a constitutional change. This “cannot take place through the efforts of one person or the will of some official; it requires a national consensus.”
Cardinal Rivera also called for a reform of campaigning rules in order to allow for greater oversight of political campaigns.