The president of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace, Cardinal Renato Martino, expressed his regret at the disregard for the will of the Spanish people displayed by the government of that country, which approved a measure on Thursday making homosexual unions equivalent to marriage.

“This is an aberration of the principles that stem from nature.  This decision does not reflect the true will of the Spanish people,” the cardinal said during the presentation of a report on religious freedom in the world.

While Cardinal Martino reiterated the support of the Holy See for the efforts of the Church in Spain to protect marriage and the family, he said he was not speaking officially for the Holy See.

In Italy, the country’s Minister of Reform, Roberto Calderoli, also reacted to news.  “The good Lord made man and woman and with that act he placed the family at the center of creation.  What has happened in Spain is the ultimate act against God and nature,” he said.