The Archdiocese of Denver announced today that audit-investigators found the archdiocese not only to be in full compliance with the Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People, but also progressive in their actions regarding sexual abuse. 

“We are encouraged by the three commendations the Archdiocese of Denver received from the audit-team investigators,” said the official statement, issued by the archdiocese by the day of the release of a national report that examines how well each of the 195 U.S. dioceses are handling the issue. 

The commendations were awarded for an updated and comprehensive sexual misconduct policy, dating back to 1991; for the appointment of a senior advisor to the archbishop and liaison to the national Office of Child and Youth Protection; for the archdiocese’s proactive handling of background checks and evaluations, and for an effective diocesan system of communicating about sexual abuse issues.

Despite its perfect evaluation, the archdiocese said it would continue to actively address the grave issue of sexual abuse in the Church.  It intends to expand its Safe Environment Training Program, which it began in the fall, throughout the archdiocese to help clergy, lay employees, volunteers and parents identify, prevent and report child sexual abuse. 

“This program will be an important part of our Church’s life into the future,” said the statement.

For more information about the audit and the Archdiocese of Denver Code of Conduct, go to