The Archbishop of Lima, Cardinal Juan Luis Cipriani, warned that relativism is a  dictatorship that tries to bring down faith and take away from man the “need to support himself on the truth”.

Last Sunday, during the radio program Dialogue of Faith, Card. Cipriani pointed out that together with Pope Benedict XVI the Cardinals share this concern on the fact that relativism is one of the problems that the world faces today.

The Archbishop highlighted that this view proposes “the modernization” of the Church, which would mean to leave behind those principles that the Church has always defended. For that reason, the Purpurate urged all catholics “to keep their ideas clear” in order to avoid being confused by those who promote such an ideology.

In the same way, the Cardinal remembered that relativism denies the possibility to know the absolute truth, meaning that each person has its own truth.

“This is a great problem because for those who defend this thought,  God has not come to us, and His words: “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life”,  are nonesense, he said.

Card. Cipriani added that one of the outcomes is a wrongly understood tolerance, which suggests that “everyone can do whatever he or she wants because everybody is a good person”. He, then, stressed that  “relativism destroys not only the capacity of religion but that of the human being who needs to look always for the truth”. He added that man needs to “believe” and not see things according to his own convenience.