On Sunday, nearly 1,000 people turned out outside Focus on the Family’s Colorado Springs headquarters to protest the Christian group’s stance on homosexuality. 

The gay-advocacy group, Soulforce, who called Focus and its president James Dobson, a danger to itself and to the country, organized the three-hour protest. 

Jacob Reitan, Soulforce's youth director said that, "Focus on the Family does not focus on families. They teach from a theology that is morally bankrupt…It teaches mothers and fathers to reject their gay sons and their lesbian daughters, and it has to end. We cannot go on any longer dividing our families."

The Christian group has been in the headlines lately, in particular for their voice against some Senate democrats who are not allowing seven of President Bush’s judicial nominees to be debated. Many claim the opposition is due to the nominees’ religious stance on certain issues.

Last week, Colorado Senator Ken Salazar (D-CO) called Focus on the Family the “antichrist”—a comment for which he later apologized.

Tom Minnery, Focus on the Family’s vice president for government and public policy told the Rocky Mountain News Sunday that to permit things like same-sex marriage, "you have to stand against all of civilization, which says that marriage is one man, one woman, and against the totality of social science that says a child does best with a mom and a dad." 

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