Today, the Catholic Action Group (C.A.G.) released its Voters Guide for Catholics in preparation for the U.K.’s upcoming general elections.

The non-partisan, but “unequivocally pro-life” guide, the group says, is based on a similar one released in the U.S. by the group, ‘Catholics United for the Faith’ during last fall’s election there.

C.A.G.’s secretary, Robert Williams, said, "We have just lost a Pope who lived a pro-life message and died with dignity despite his suffering. We are imploring Catholics to use their vote as a weapon for the dignity of life and as a mark of respect for the late John Paul II – the Great.”

The group points out that the U.S. version was read by over 15 million people, in a country where the pro-life vote was a major factor in the election’s outcome.

Chris Walsh, C.A.G.’s pro-life spokesperson explained, “Our guide lays down clearly, the non-negotiables that any serious Catholic cannot ever morally support i.e. Abortion, Euthanasia, Embryonic Stem Cell Research, Human Cloning and Same-Sex Unions.”

“Catholics,” he said, “need to be made more aware of how serious a sin it is to vote for moral evils so clearly opposed to the Church's teachings.”

Added National Coordinator, John Gunn: "Catholic voters need to be made much more aware of the consequences of their voting actions…Being pro-abortion is an easy position to take when you are not the one being killed.”