The first conference to address judicial tyranny from a faith perspective is planned for next month in Washington, D.C.

The Confronting the Judicial War on Faith Conference will be held at the Washington Marriott, April 7-8.

Rick Scarborough, interim chairman of the Judeo-Christian Council for Constitutional Restoration, said the conference will take place against the backdrop of the ongoing effort of activist judges to prevent Americans from publicly acknowledging God, he said. It will also serve toward organizing a grassroots coalition to confront a run-away judiciary.

The conference will discuss the following themes: The Judicial Assault on Our Judeo-Christian Heritage, Judges: Abortion and Other Life Issues, Judicial Nominations, The Real Constitution, The Decline of Faith and What it Means for America, Remedies to Judicial Tyranny and Mobilizing the Grassroots.

"The Supreme Court recently heard oral arguments on public display of The Ten Commandments," Scarborough commented. "In its last session, we barely escaped a mandate of the 9th. Circuit Appeals Court prohibiting ‘one nation, under God’ in the Pledge of Allegiance, as a violation of the First Amendment's Establishment clause.

"In the meantime, activist judges continue in their attempts to force homosexual marriage on the nation. And Senate Democrats continue to block votes on conservative judicial nominees," he continued.

Conference speakers include: House Majority Leader Tom De Lay, Ambassador Ray Flynn (former Ambassador to the Vatican), David C. Gibbs (Christian Law Association), Sam Casey (Christian Legal Society), Sen. Sam Brownback, Rabbi Daniel Lapin (Toward Tradition) Rev Earl Jackson and Patrick Reilly, (Cardinal Newman Society), Tony Perkins (Family Research Council).