A distinguished law professor at UNC-Wilmington recently wrote the president of the Jesuit-run Gonzaga University in Spokane, Wash., pointing out that the school’s policies discriminate against Christian students.

Mike Adams, a vocal critic of the diversity movement in academia, said the Catholic university’s treatment of Christian students is “deplorable.”

In a letter to Gonzaga University president Fr. Robert Spitzer, SJ, published in Heritage Townhall.com, Adams pointed out that the only two Christian clubs recently formed at the law school—the Christian pro-life group and the Christian Legal Society—have been refused official recognition, and their promotional signs have been regularly defaced.

Adams said he had received a letter from two third-year law students at Gonzaga University, who said they had experienced first-hand the school’s trampling of the rights of Christian students.

According to Adams, “the students described the law school as one that is ‘secular’ and which fraudulently holds itself out to be Catholic.” Specifically, the students accused the university of violating the rights of their first Christian pro-life group.

The Student Bar Association denied official recognition of these groups based in their requirement that executive leaders sign a statement of Christian faith, said Adams. The Student Bar Association said this requirement violated the university’s “non-discrimination” policy.  In other words, every club must allow any student the opportunity to hold offices in any club.

Adams also said many of Gonzaga University’s professors “promote and/or support homosexual and abortion rights and student clubs that support these causes.” He added that openly homosexual students have served as president of the Student Bar Association for two of the last three years.

“However, your tolerance for those who directly oppose Catholic doctrine is not always extended to those who support it,” he said.

Adams is calling on the university administration to tell the Student Bar Association to recognize these Christian student groups so they can use student fees to promote speakers and events.

“The situation of forcing your Christian law students to pay mandatory student fees, which fund secular student groups, while their own club flounders in second-class status, is simply unacceptable,” wrote Adams.