Cardinal Norberto Rivera Carrera, Archbishop of Mexico City, said this week discrimination and abuse against women are actions contrary to God’s plan and will always be denounced by the Church.

During Mass at the Archdiocesan cathedral, Cardinal Rivera called sterilization and abortion, which principally leave as victims poor and marginalized women, “abominable” acts.

He said the Church is concerned about the current situation of women, who are frequently the objects of attacks on their nature and mission through reproductive health programs and other initiatives that lack a comprehensive vision of women.

Cardinal Rivera said today’s new forms of marginalizing women, fostered by a consumerist and hedonist society, cannot be accepted by any Catholic, since they transform women into mere objects of consumption.

The Church, he noted, offers women a chance to recover their dignity and to participate in the salvation of humanity.  He expressed regret that women are used as instruments of death through abortion.

Women should be active participants in the life and mission of the Church, he said, and their “wisdom and cooperation” manifested in leadership roles in society should be recognized.