Lincoln, Neb., Oct 25, 2013 / 15:59 pm
In the midst of National Teen Safe Driving week, a Catholic school in Nebraska is competing to win grant money for their school by encouraging students to take a safe driving pledge.
"We are blessed to have the Pius X community supporting us in this effort to increase awareness about safe driving among teens," Principal Tom Korta said.
The school held a kick-off assembly Oct. 17 to participate in the national "Celebrate My Drive" contest which runs in conjunction with National Teen Safe Driving Week from Oct. 18 - 26. Participating schools are encouraged to teach students about the dangers of distracted and impaired driving, while at the same time having them commit to being a safe driver.
Demonstrations on distracted and impaired driving and an address from Trooper Kurt Phohaska from the Nebraska State Patrol taught students about the great responsibility that comes with earning a driver's license.
"Car crashes have been the leading cause of death for 14-to-18 year olds for more than 30 years and State Farm is dedicated to helping teens understand the importance of safe driving," public affairs specialist Kelly Pargett of State Farm Insurance, which is sponsoring the event, said.
Until midnight on Oct. 26, supporters of Pius X school can visit the Celebrate My Drive website, make a commitment to safe driving, and vote for Pius X High School.
The top five schools with the most students and supporters committed to safe driving will receive a $100,000 grant, which Pius X would use for "both capital improvements and academic programs."
Restroom renovations, campus ministry support, funding for theology department, and a safe driving program are among the areas in the school that would benefit from the grant award.
"At this time, we really need wider community support to bring us into the top five schools with the highest number of safe driving commitments," Principal Korta said.
"Pius is the only school in Nebraska that has a chance to win the top prize, and we are asking for the Lincoln community's support in bringing the $100,000 grant home to our city."
Pius X is currently in tenth place of the "large schools" which are categorized by having more than 750 students. Of the top ten schools in the lead, Pius X is the only school from Nebraska, and one of two Catholic schools.
Over the past 58 years since its founding, Pius X has served as the central Catholic high school in Lincoln. Dedicated to education that is "Christ-centered", the school incorporates "Catholic values in all areas of life" while at the same time giving "academic preparation of the highest quality in a disciplined environment."
Pius X High School is guided by Pope St. Pius X's motto, "to restore all things in Christ."