The Archdiocese of Chicago has removed a priest from ministry following allegations that he sexually abused a minor several decades ago. 

In two letters — one to parishioners of Sts. Joseph and Francis Xavier Parish in Wilmette, Illinois, and one to those at St. Francis Borgia in Chicago — archbishop Cardinal Blase Cupich said the archdiocese had received allegations of sex abuse against Monsignor Daniel Mayall. 

The priest had served several roles at St. Joseph and then at the combined parishes from 2016 to 2021. He led St. Francis Borgia from 1993 to 2002. 

The alleged abuse occurred at St. Francis Borgia “approximately 30 years ago,” Cupich said in his letter to parishioners. 

“In keeping with our child protection policies, I have directed Monsignor Mayall to remain out of ministry and refrain from all parish and school activities,” the prelate said. 

Mayall “strenuously denies this allegation,” Cupich said, but he has “agreed to cooperate with this direction.”

The allegation was further reported to civil authorities, Cupich said, while the alleged victim was offered access to the archdiocesan victim ministry. 

The archdiocesan Independent Review Board (IRB) will complete its investigation after law enforcement investigates the allegations, the cardinal said. 

“We do not presume the truth or falsity of an allegation until the process is complete and I have received our IRB’s recommendation for my decision,” he said. “Only by conducting a thorough and impartial review can we ensure fairness to all concerned.”

According to an archdiocesan announcement last year, Mayall retired from full-time ministry in 2024 after 44 years of service. 

He resided at the Sts. Joseph and Francis Xavier Parish following his retirement, Cupich noted in his letters.