The Family Research Council has slammed a report released yesterday by Congressman Henry Waxman (D-CA) attacking abstinence-until-marriage education. Waxman, whose voting record shows him to be a staunch opponent of absstinence education, has consistently supported the distribution of contraceptive devices as a means of birth control.

Connie Mackey, Vice President of Government Affairs for Family Research Council, says that Waxman's report, which accuses abstinence programs of lying about the effectiveness of condoms, "lacks credibility because it was researched and distributed by Waxman's own staff."

“In fact,” she points out, “these programs are teaching the truth about condoms: that they are not effective in preventing the transmission of most STDs including HPV, the leading cause of cervical cancer.”

She points out that "the report has no scientific background in its research; its not peer reviewed.”

“The report is a joke,” she said. “It was cooked up and served by his own staff and now it's being devoured by the national media."