The Malta Union of Professional Psychologists will offer a unique perspective to the abortion debate with a conference focused on the unborn child next month.

The professional association will hold its sixth biennial Malta Conference of Psychology, this time addressing the issue of  the “Psychology  of the Unborn Child,” Dec. 3.

The president of Malta, Edward Fenech Adami, will give the opening address at the one-day conference, held at Pope John Paul II Hall.

The keynote speech is titled “The importance of prenatal environmental influences for the behavioral development of the child.” It will be delivered by Bea Van den Bergh, a professor from the department of psychology at the Catholic University of Leuven.

The conference will include three panel discussions. The themes are: Challenges for the Unborn Child: The Impact of Various Factors on the Well Being of the Unborn Child; Preventive Measures, and Ethical Issues, Legal Rights, and the “Feminist” Perspective.

The conference is intended for professionals from the fields of health, social welfare, education, psychology, school counseling, midwifery and social work. Members of the general public are also invited to participate.