Buenos Aires, Argentina, Nov 11, 2004 / 22:00 pm
Addressing issues of human life and the family, Archbishop Domingo Castagna of Corrientes, Argentina, said this week, “Respect for life allows for no exceptions.” During his comments the Archbishop recalled that poverty, health problems, and even rape provide motives for attacks against this inalienable right.
Archbishop Castagna referred to proposed laws that would promote mutilation through vasectomies and tubal ligations. He said such proposals, as well as abortion, cannot be allowed.
The Archbishop clarified that despite what some so-called Catholics might think, the teaching of the Church is always directed towards respect for life.
“Existing life should be respected, cared for, and well equipped through urgent economic and educational reforms,” he added. “Respect for life” means rejecting “the death penalty, all forms of terrorism and violation of the physical and moral integrity of persons, even if they have committed crimes.”
Archbishop Castagna argued that society should have recourse to other types of punishment that include imprisonment without parole, rather than attacking the right to life.