Archbishop Antonio Cañizares Llovera of Toledo, Spain, said this week a new law that would make homosexual unions equivalent to marriage “goes against nature, family, and a healthy society,” and he underscored that even though the majority might support it, “that doesn’t make it right, just as it wasn’t right to support Hitler.”

According to the Archbishop, the only true marriage is that between one man and one woman, “anything else is not marriage.  We cannot confuse these terms.”

“If I think it is okay for me to steal, who says I can’t, since I am free to do so?  Moreover, the majority is sometimes wrong.  It’s not right just because the majority of the people support it.  The majority supported Hitler, and they were wrong,” said Archbishop Cañizares.

One of the problems facing humanity today, he went on, is that people “do not think about the truth and about the nature of things” and they insist, “Man is free to do whatever he wants.”

By opposing that homosexual unions be made equivalent to marriage, the Church “is not going against anything or anybody.”  “We’re not talking about the will of the majority or the minority, but rather about respecting the truth about things,” he concluded.