The communications office of the Archdiocese of Xalapa, Mexico has told public officials that Mexicans need to see results in the fight against violence in the country. The office's statement came a week after a local  incoming mayor was killed.

The office issued Nov. 14 statement expressing the archdiocese’s indignation and repudiation of “all criminal acts that take the lives of innocent people, filling the lives of many families with sadness and uncertainty.”

It also expressed solidarity with the family members of the mayor-elect of the city of Juan Rodriguez Clara. Incoming Mayor Gregorio Barradas Miravete was kidnapped and killed along with two other officials on Nov. 8.

The archdiocese expressed hope that the government “will take up the lack of security with renewed determination.” The statement called for “honest police officers who are properly trained and compensated.”  It also said new efforts must be made to create jobs and combat poverty.

“We are willing to support any initiatives that are oriented toward personal and social re-invigoration and that will help form new men and women,” the statement indicated.