The American Center for Law and Justice has sent a letter to the Internal Revenue Service on behalf of the Christian Defense Coalition asking if it is legal for churches to pray for the re-election of President George Bush during their services.

The letter was sent as the Christian ministry, led by Rev. Patrick J. Mahoney, prepares for a two-week prayer tour in cities throughout the key swing states of Pennsylvania and Ohio.

It states that Rev. Mahoney plans to "offer prayer during the evening services in the churches he visits that God grants President Bush four more years as president and that Senator Kerry does not become president."

Rev. Mahoney, director of the Christian Defense Coalition, states: "As Christians, we are praying that God grant President Bush four more years because of his support for the sanctity of human life, his strong commitment to the protection of traditional marriage and his stance on religious freedom and liberty in the public square.

“It is clear that the public policies of the President are more in line with historic Christianity then those of Senator Kerry,” he continued. “It is our hope that the IRS will not crush religious freedom by attempting to censor and control how churches feel compelled to pray."