Congressman Luiz Bassuma, who was suspended from Brazil’s Workers Party because of his pro-life stance, has criticized presidential candidate Dilma Rousseff for “changing her mind” and stating that she does not support abortion. Bassuma noted that it is well known that her party firmly supports legalizing the procedure.

Bassuma, who has since joined the Green Party, told the Diario El Estado that Rousseff’s situation will get worse “if she lies about abortion to get votes.”

Bassuma said the Workers Party cannot say that it doesn’t support abortion, because the party's leaders suspended him precisely because of his defense of the unborn.

“I served four terms for the Labor Party and one of the reasons why I was a member was  because the party’s norms allowed for the right to freedom of opinion, of religion and of thought,” Bassuma continued.  However, he added, later on, the party “didn’t work with me.”

Bassuma noted that his suspension went into effect after a unanimous decision by the party leadership. The party committee charged with reviewing Bassuma’s case was led by Dilma Rousseff, and the committee made it clear that the party supports legalizing abortion, “and I do not agree,” he said.

He went on to say he felt honored to be suspended for defending life. “That has been the banner of my life, my main political cause.  And the Workers Party did not respect my rights. 

"I think abortion is killing a life,” he said.