In an eloquent message delivered to the UN General Assembly, the President of Cosa Rica, Abel Pacheco, called on the nations of the world body to defend those “who have no voice” and to oppose human cloning under whatever pretext.

Addressing the general assembly, Pacheco recalled that “just has we have an obligation to protect the oppressed and injured, so also do we have the obligation to protect those who have no voice.”

“I am referring to the imperative necessity to agree to a set of norms, adhered to internationally, in order to safeguard the dignity of human life from the moment of conception,” he said.

Pacheco stated that “the defense of life is, necessarily, the defense of the very essence of man, of all of the promise, joys and hopes of the human bieing.”

The Costa Rica president, who is also a registered doctor, rejected human cloning and expressed his firm support for “the study of adult stem cells, which do not present any ethical or legal difficulties.”

“I invite you join us in working for the adoption of an international agreement to prohibit all forms of human cloning,” he concluded.