In his weekly e-letter, Deal Hudson, publisher of Crisis Magazine for more than 10 years, announced yesterday he is leaving his post to assume new responsibilities that will keep him associated with the magazine.

Hudson, who was the object of a personal attack from the weekly National Catholic Reporter about past misgivings, said in his e- mail, dated Sept. 21, that his resignation is a personal decision, influenced by the recent adverse publicity and the criticism that followed.

“The plain fact is, I'm tired of being a lightening rod,” he wrote. “And more importantly, this whole thing is causing great pain to my family.

“When all is said and done, I'm a husband and a father,” he continued. “I'm certainly not perfect, but I love my family dearly, and their well being is my first priority.”

He will begin as the director of the newly established Morley Institute as of Jan. 1. The two major functions of the institute are to provide continued funding for CRISIS magazine and to support several new projects, including a book, which Hudson will author, on how Catholics can get involved in politics.

Hudson assured readers that, despite his departure, not much will change in terms of the quality of the magazine.