In a message marking the occasion of the 17th International Meeting on Mariology, the Holy Father said that  "Mary, with a heart pierced by a sword of sorrow, encourages us to liven our faith in the One Who saved us, shedding His precious blood for all of mankind.”

“Her maternal love inspires us to open our hearts to the suffering of others, especially those who are searching for valid answers to the profound questions of life,” he continued.

The message was addressed to Bishop Lucio Soravito de Franceschi from Adria-Rovigo, Italy, where the meeting will take place from September 10 to 12.

The meeting, promoted by the Congregation of the Reparation Servants of Mary commemorates the 50 anniversary of the coronation of the image of Our Lady of Sorrows in Rovigo.

“The theme, 'Our Lady's gaze on the modern world,' invites us to consider the happy and distressing events of our age through the Virgin's eyes,” writes the Pope in the message dated September 8, feast of the Nativity of Our Lady.