Vatican City, Mar 10, 2010 / 12:40 pm
At today’s General Audience, the Holy Father remembered those affected by the earthquake in Turkey on Monday. He said he was “profoundly close” to those affected and urged worldwide support for them.
The Pope addressed the victims and their families, saying, “to every person I assure my prayer.” There were 57 confirmed victims and over sixty wounded on Monday when the earthquake near the city of Elazig in middle-eastern Turkey, an area of ancient Christian presence now populated by ethnic Kurds.
Benedict XVI also made an appeal to those providing assistance, expressing his wish for the international community to contribute “with promptness and generosity” to aid efforts.
Vatican Radio was in contact by telephone with Dr. Rinaldo Marmara of Caritas Turkey on Monday who told them that rescue squads were already on the ground there. Caritas, he said, was organizing first response assistance for the population, in particular tents, blankets and food items.