Pro-life activist Dr. Alveda King, actress Jennifer O’Neill and 45 women and men from the organization Silent No More will testify about their abortion experiences on Friday at 3 p.m. in front of the Supreme Court Building in Washington, D.C.

“The Silent No More Awareness Campaign was born of the grief, pain, and suffering that those of us who have had abortions know all too well," said Georgette Forney, a co-founder of the campaign. "We are growing in number because women have found that abortion is not the answer, it's the problem."

Fr. Frank Pavone, National Director of Priests for Life, with gather with the Silent No More speakers as the March for Life reaches the top of Capitol Hill.

"The empty slogans of the child-killing industry avoid the realities of abortion," Fr. Pavone stated. "The Silent No More Awareness Campaign lives and breathes those realities every day. One can't help but be moved and motivated by their stories."

Janet Morana, another co-founder of the group, said it will be “even more visible” at this year’s March.

“In addition to our signature 'I Regret My Abortion' and 'I Regret Lost Fatherhood' signs, we have distributed across the country over 45,000 new signs that say, 'Women Do Regret Abortion' and 'Men Regret Lost Fatherhood.' The message is simple, but in the lives of our members, profound."

The campaign, launched in 2003, claims that 3,423 women and men have shared their testimonies for over 100,000 listeners at over 489 public gatherings in 48 states and seven countries.

Silent No More, a joint project of Anglicans for Life and Priests for Life, says its goals are to raise awareness about the “hurtful aftermath” of abortion and about the help available to cope with the pain.