Cardinal Jorge Medina, ex-Prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments, warned Chileans that the devil is present in the world and that he uses euphemisms to destroy respect for life and the family.

“The devil is very present, and he uses lies and euphemisms to deceive.  He calls abortion the termination of pregnancy and children burdens.  He fosters homosexual marriage and laws allowing for divorce, presenting evil as good and making money a god,” said the Chilean Cardinal.

His comments came as part of a presentation on exorcisms and the demonic at the Catholic University auditorium in Santiago.

He said the action of the devil could be seen in the convincing of people that polls are the result of truth and kindness.  “If more than 50% say they are in favor of something, it is automatically accepted, with considering human nature and that not everything can be resolved by voting,” he pointed out.
Likewise, he recalled that the prince of darkness is a person, a concrete being, and not an abstract idea, and that he is devoted to “keeping humanity off of the road to salvation, which is in the cross of Christ.”  Therefore, he called on young people “to get used to the idea of going against the flow.”