Bishop Felipe Arizmendi Esquivel of San Cristobal de las Casas, Mexico, called on his fellow bishops to boost their efforts to address the spiritual needs of the country’s more than 12 million Native Mexicans.

As President of the Bishops’ Committee for Indigenous Pastoral Care, he has published a letter urging prelates to respond to the hunger for God in the more than 80 ethnic groups that are present in Mexico, saying that four events have been scheduled to launch such an initiative.

The first event will bring together Native Mexican seminarians in the city of Tuxpan the first week of September.  Next, Native Mexican representatives of the laity will meet in October in Huanjuapan in southern Mexico.

Lastly, Native Mexican religious will meet in November in the city of Ahuatitla.

According to Bishop Arizmendi, a national gathering is also being planned for Native Mexican catechists and religion teachers in January of 2005.