This week Cardinal Antonio Maria Rouco Varela of Madrid defended the importance of “natural and divine law” in the history of contemporary Europe. The prelate added that the right to life must be protected in the legislation of European countries.

According to the Spanish daily “La Razon,” the cardinal celebrated the closing Mass of the Congress of the International Union of Catholic Lawyers, which took place November 13-14 in Madrid.

“Natural and divine law are important in the history of the Europe today,” the cardinal said. He then invited the lawyers to keep “the Law of God and Natural Law” at the center of their lives, so that their ethical, moral and legal principles would influence the laws of the state.

The cardinal warned that the temptation to control fundamental rights is very strong and that the “right to life must be addressed and protected in legislation.”

“The State is essential in ensuring that man journeys forward justly and uprightly,” Cardinal Rouco said before warning against the temptation to abuse power and cause harm.