The second annual 10,000 Masses forUnborn Babies Novena is scheduled to take place Jan. 13-21 in 2010,the Memphis-based St. Michael the Archangel Organization hasannounced. The organization asks Catholics to have one or more Massesoffered for the protection of the unborn.

Last year more than 3,000 Masses wereoffered in at least 18 countries.

"It has been said that within thelast fifty or so years, approximately one billion unborn babiesthroughout the world have been surgically killed," said St. Michaelthe Archangel Organization president Patrick Benedict, explainingthat that number does not include the unborn babies killed bynon-surgical means.

"This unprecedented slaughter of theinnocents is hellish. None of us can fully grasp the magnitude ofthis horror."

"Obviously, the Culture of Death iswaging a fierce war against the unborn babies," Benedict continued."A major and ongoing spiritual response from the Church Militant islong overdue. I hope the day will arrive that has every priest andbishop in the world offering at least one Mass each week for theprotection of unborn human persons."

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