A new T-shirt, branded with the phrase, "I had an abortion", has become the topic of debate on the Internet and among advocates on both sides of the abortion debate since Planned Parenthood began selling the T-shirt online last month for $15US. 

Though not created by Planned Parenthood, the pro-abortion organization stated on its Web site that it was "proud to offer yet another T-shirt in our new social fashion line," reported Sun Valley Newspaper.

The fitted shirt was created by Jennifer Baumgardner of New York for the 30th anniversary of Roe v. Wade in January 2003.

Baumgardner said the shirt is not meant to be shocking but to “personalize and make specific a debate that's become abstract and divisive,” she told SVN.

News of the shirt brought disbelief and sadness among pro-life supporters. Pat Gaumer, executive director of Hope Pregnancy Center, reportedly said her concern is that the shirt will cause more pain for post-abortion women.

As well, she fears the shirt will further a "flippant attitude about life" among today’s young people, who she says have the attitude that "life has no value because the government says it doesn't."

Baumgardner, who is pregnant with her first child, said she will not wear the shirt because she has not had an abortion.