The Democratic National Committee’s senior religion advisor resigned yesterday after the Catholic League released a report, which revealed her support to remove the phrase “under God” from the Pledge of Allegiance.

Rev. Brenda Bartella Peterson told the Washington Post that she made her decision “after the New York-based Catholic League issued three blistering news releases attacking her positions.”

She also told Religion News Service, “It was no longer possible for me to do my job effectively.”

“Why are Kerry and the DNC imploding on religion?  Because too many of the elites running the show are devout secularists, who put a premium on freedom from religion,” said Catholic League president William Donohue.

“Kerry and the DNC now have two strikes against them in their religious outreach efforts,” he said. “Whether they strike out is up to them. We’re certainly not dropping out of the game, and we’re certainly monitoring Bush and the Republican National Committee on this subject just as closely.”