Washington D.C., Jul 25, 2009 / 01:44 am
Today Wendy Wright, President of Concerned Women for America, expressed concern that the present health care bill will hinder women’s ability to adequately care for their family members.
In a press release, Wright noted that "Women have the pulse of what affects their families, which are the lifeblood of a civilization. Any government plan to change health care will not be limited to who pays for what health care. It will dramatically and intimately affect families. The current health care bill will take away from women the ability to made decisions and care for members of their family."
"Women generally are the caregivers to their families," she continued. "They provide primary decisions and care for their children, elderly parents, and disabled members. No health care bill should take from families and hand over to government boards and bureaucrats the ability to determine what treatments can be available to them or their families."
Wright then stated that the U.S. has the best health care system worldwide. "The desire of President Obama and some in Congress to make it like other countries is utterly astounding since their proposed changes would stifle American ingenuity and quality care."
"The stakes couldn't be higher for our families. The health care bill will dramatically curtail women's ability to make choices with their doctors on what is best for their families. It will harm families' ability to preserve the dignity and quality of life for children and the elderly. Americans with disabilities and other pre- existing conditions require quality care and not 'treatment' that consists merely of prescription medication and a shove out the door," she concluded.