Twelve Catholic college students, taking part in a 1,300-mile walk to spread a pro-life message, received word that the Archdiocese of Baltimore in Maryland has forbidden them from speaking at local parishes. Days earlier, the walkers in the American Life League's Summer Crusade for Life were forbidden from speaking at parishes in Philadelphia.

"There is nothing in our message that is not in line with the magisterial teachings of the Church and the Holy Father's statements about the sanctity of human life and the Holy Eucharist," said Patrick Yungwirth, a University of Maryland student who is taking part in the walk.

"We are walking through Maryland because there are many prominent Catholics there who either do not understand the fundamental truths of Catholic teaching, or refuse to adhere to it,” said Yungwirth.

Instead of speaking at parishes, the students will pray at local abortion clinics, meet with local political leaders and speak to private gatherings in the Baltimore area.

The walkers, who support withholding Communion from public supporters of abortion, hope their presence will encourage William Cardinal Keeler to withhold Communion from pro-abortion politicians.