Harrisburg, Pa., May 10, 2009 / 18:41 pm
In honor of the 223rd birthday of St. John Vianney, two of the largest English-speaking associations for parish priests and deacons have announced a joint conference in Rome to encourage the ongoing formation of clergy.
Pope Benedict has designated 2010 as the Year of Priests and has invoked the patronage of the Curé of Ars, St. John Vianney. Vianney, the patron saint of parish priests, who was born on May 8, 1786 and ministered in France. He became so well-known for his spiritual direction that pilgrims would come from distant places to speak with him.
The Australian Confraternity of Catholic Clergy and the American Confraternity of Catholic Clergy have responded to the Year of Priests and organized a special seminar in Rome to “promote ongoing formation of the clergy in a fraternal setting.” The seminar is in response to the call of the Second Vatican Council and supported by Cannon Law.
Speakers will be selected based upon their “orthodoxy and loyalty to the Magisterium.” All priests and deacons from English speaking countries are invited to attend the event regardless of their membership to either the ACCC or CCC.
National Chairman, Rev. Michael Kennedy, PP, (Australia) and President, Rev. John Trigilio, Jr, PhD, (U.S.A.) have urged their members to “honor Pope Benedict’s Year for the Priests by coming to Rome in January 2010 to spend time in prayer, study, and sacerdotal fraternity.”