Montevideo, Uruguay, Apr 30, 2009 / 19:20 pm
At the conclusion of their plenary assembly, held April 22-28, the Bishop’ Conference of Uruguay emphasized and encouraged in an extensive document, the centrality of the human person, the defense of human life from conception to natural death, as well as the family built upon the marriage between a man and a woman.
In their statement, "Guidelines for Political Discernment in an Election Year," which is intended to help voters during the upcoming elections, the bishops stress that "respect for persons should always be fundamental in our behavior and judgment, rejecting the temptation to justify or obtain success at any cost."
For this reason, the bishops consider the defense of life to be an important priority. "Uruguayans must judge concrete policies by facing the global problem of human life in today’s Uruguay, with special attention to the defense of the right of all human beings to life, from conception and through all stages of development to natural death."
After underscoring that in political decisions it is necessary "to look after not only one’s own interests but principally the interests of the most vulnerable," the bishops recall the centrality of the family that is currently "under attack from multiple economic, social, cultural and ideological factors."
"We observe with concern how certain ideological proposals based on the ‘gender perspective’ aim towards emptying and destroying human sexuality of its true meaning as well as the family as the source of life. As Christians we need to cast aside all ambiguity and clearly choose the truth about family and about the nature of human love," the bishops said, as every person "is called to promote and protect this fundamental institution that is the family, but it is especially our responsibility as citizens, Christians and members of the Church of Christ."
For this reason, the bishops propose "setting as a condition for supporting different proposals the defense of the family based on stable marriage between a man and a woman and the coherence of these proposals with the consequent vision of human sexuality and its meaning. We also demand the full and real freedom of parents to choose the kind of education their children will receive," the bishops said.