Nov 2, 2003 / 22:00 pm
The Schindlers will try to set the record straight and tell their side of the story on CNN's "Larry King Live" Nov. 6, after their son-in-law, Michael Schiavo, appeared on the same show two weeks ago. On the hour-long program, Schiavo and his lawyer said the parents of Terri Schindler Schiavo, a brain-damaged Florida woman, are really after the $1.2 million awarded to him in medical-malpractice suits in 1992.
The Schindlers appeared on the Christian Broadcasting Network Oct. 24 to rebut Schiavo's allegations.
Schiavo and his lawyers say the money was used to cover Terri's medical expenses and continue to insist that Terri is in a vegetative state and wishes to be allowed to "die with dignity."
But the Schindlers argue that Terri has shown signs of her will to live by having survived six days without her feeding tube, as well as numerous infections, pneumonia and a collapsed lung in the past decade.
The Schindlers also argue that Terri's responses to her mother are not random reflexes, which are consistent with a persistent vegetative state. Mary Schindler told CBN that her daughter responds to her voice by either laughing or crying.
Supporters continue to hold a candlelight prayer vigil outside of the hospice where Terri is being cared for every Friday, Saturday, and Sunday evening.