Dozens of prestigious doctors, lawyers, politicians, historians and other experts in Spain have signed a manifesto in defense of human life from conception to natural death and rejected the “very grave process of depreciation” of this right in the country.

The manifesto, part of which was published by local media, denounces the Socialist Party and other groups for promoting proposals to liberalize abortion laws.

The group of academics lamented the “gradual and relentless” imposition on Spanish law of the possibility of experimenting with human embryos, ignoring that their genetic patrimony from the moment of fertilization is “unique and unrepeatable.”

They also call for Article 15 of the Spanish Constitution, which reads “Everyone has the right to life and to physical and moral integrity,” to be modified to include the phrase, “from the moment of conception to natural death.”

They also questioned Health Minister Bernat Soria’s statements in support of the legalization of euthanasia under the term, “assisted suicide.”