Auxiliary Bishop Pedro Luiz Stringhini of Sao Paulo in Brazil has criticized the decision by a group of Catholic priests of the archdiocese to support the candidacy of pro-abortion politician Marta Suplicy, who is running for mayor of Sao Paulo.

In a statement, Bishop Stringhini related that “a meeting attended by more than 200 people, including 40 priests, 9 of which were from the Episcopal region of Belem,” took place on October 17.

The result of that meeting was a declaration of support for Marta Suplicy, which has been strongly criticized by lay groups and pro-life and pro-family organizations, as the mayoral candidate is an ardent supporter of abortion rights, homosexual unions and euthanasia.

After recalling that the 63 pastors in the region were notified that the posting of the letter in their parishes was prohibited, the bishop stressed that “the Church does not approve of the participation of priests in support of a political, partisan or electoral statement.  The Gospel this Sunday exhorted us precisely to ‘render unto Caesar that which is Caesar’s and to God what is God’s.”

Lastly, the bishop asked forgiveness of Catholics who felt offended by the priests’ endorsement of Suplicy, and said, “in the name of all the parishes and their priests, I wish to convey peace and serenity through the same media that soon will be devoted to spreading incidents such as the aforementioned.”